How to Make Organic Pesticides

Empowering African Farmers for Sustainable Farming Culture

How to Make Organic Pesticides

What is Organic Pesticides?

Organic pesticides are natural alternatives to chemical pesticides used to control pests and diseases in crops. Organic materials such as plants, minerals, and microorganisms are used to create these natural pesticides. Organic pesticides are intended to protect crops from pests and diseases while posing no risk to the environment, beneficial insects, or human health.

Organic pesticides are a necessary part of organic farming practises. They provide farmers with environmentally friendly, safe, and long-lasting pest management tools. Organic pesticides also contribute to the preservation of healthy ecosystems by preserving natural habitats and encouraging biodiversity.

Organic pesticides, as opposed to conventional pesticides, work by utilising natural mechanisms of action. Some organic pesticides, for example, contain plant extracts that repel pests, while others use microorganisms found naturally in soil to control diseases. Organic pesticides are frequently used in conjunction with other cultural practises, such as crop rotation and intercropping, to prevent pest and disease buildup in the soil.

Making organic pesticides can be a simple and low-cost way for farmers and gardeners to manage pests and diseases without using harmful chemicals. Here are some instructions for making your own organic pesticide:

  1. Identify the pest or disease you want to control.
  2. Choose an organic material that has natural pest control properties. For example, neem oil, garlic, and hot pepper can all be effective against certain pests.
  3. Mix the organic material with water to create a solution. The concentration of the solution will depend on the specific organic material you are using and the pest or disease you are trying to control.
  4. Apply the organic pesticide to the affected area using a spray bottle, watering can, or other suitable applicator.

While organic pesticides are generally thought to be safe and effective, they should be used with caution and in accordance with proper guidelines. Always read the label and carefully follow the instructions. Furthermore, it is critical to remember that organic pesticides are not a panacea for pest and disease control. They should be used in conjunction with an integrated pest management strategy that includes cultural practises, monitoring, and application at the appropriate time.

Organic pesticides are organic alternatives to conventional pesticides that are designed to protect crops from pests and diseases without harming the environment, beneficial insects, or human health. Making your own organic pesticides is a simple and effective way to manage pests and diseases in an environmentally friendly manner.

Solutions of Organic Pesticides

These pesticides provide several important solutions to the problems that farmers and gardeners face when dealing with pests and diseases. Here are some of the most important solutions that organic pesticides can offer:

  1. Organic pesticides are environmentally friendly because they are made from natural materials and do not contain harmful chemicals that can harm the environment or contaminate waterways. Farmers and gardeners can help to protect the environment and natural habitats by using organic pesticides.
  2. Organic pesticides are generally safe for beneficial insects, unlike conventional pesticides, which can harm beneficial insects such as pollinators and predators. This means that organic pesticides can aid in the maintenance of a healthy ecosystem and the promotion of biodiversity.
  3. Organic pesticides are generally considered safe for human health because they do not contain harmful chemicals that can endanger human health. As a result, they are a safer alternative to traditional pesticides, which can leave residues on food crops and be harmful if ingested or inhaled.
  4. Cost-effective: Making your own organic pesticides can be a low-cost method of pest and disease control. Many organic pesticides can be made from common household ingredients, saving farmers and gardeners money on costly commercial pesticides.
  5. Organic pesticides are an important part of sustainable farming practises. Farmers and gardeners can reduce their reliance on synthetic pesticides, which can have negative effects on the environment and human health, by using natural and renewable materials to manage pests and diseases.

Methods of Organic pesticides

  1. Herbal extracts are made by steeping herbs in water in order to extract their natural pest-repelling properties. Neem oil, for example, is made by crushing neem tree seeds and steeping them in water. Garlic, mint, and eucalyptus are some other plants that can be used to make herbal extracts.
  2. Oil-based sprays are created by combining vegetable oils, soap, and water. The oil suffocates the pests, and the soap aids in spreading the oil evenly across the plant’s surface. Canola oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil are common oils used in oil-based sprays.
  3. Soap-based sprays are created by combining liquid soap and water. The soap aids in the breakdown of the waxy outer layer of insect pests, allowing them to be easily washed off the plant. Castile soap and dish soap are two common types of soap used in soap-based sprays.
  4. Microbial sprays: Microbial sprays are made from beneficial microorganisms found in the soil. These microorganisms can help control diseases and pests by competing for resources with harmful organisms. Bacillus thuringiensis, for example, is a soil-dwelling bacterium that can be used to control certain insect pests.
  5. Mineral-based sprays: Mineral-based sprays are made using naturally occurring minerals that have pest-repelling properties. For example, diatomaceous earth is a type of silica that can be used to control soft-bodied insects like aphids and mites.

It is critical to take proper safety precautions when making organic pesticides. When handling pesticides, always wear gloves and protective clothing, and label your containers clearly to avoid confusion. It’s also a good idea to test your pesticide on a small area of your plant before applying it more widely to make sure it doesn’t harm the plant.


They offer several benefits over synthetic pesticides. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Organic pesticides are made from natural ingredients and are generally considered safe for human and animal health, as opposed to synthetic pesticides, which can be toxic to humans and animals.
  2. Eco-friendly: Organic pesticides are less toxic to the environment than synthetic pesticides. They degrade more quickly and are less likely to pollute waterways or harm non-target organisms.
  3. Organic pesticides are part of a larger sustainable farming system aimed at reducing environmental impact and improving soil health. Farmers can promote biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and conserve natural resources by using organic pesticides.
  4. Cost-effective: They are often cheaper than synthetic pesticides, as they can be made using simple, locally available ingredients. In addition, organic farming practices can reduce the need for expensive inputs like synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  5. The Pesticides, while not as potent as synthetic pesticides, can still be highly effective when used correctly. Farmers can often achieve the same level of pest control as synthetic pesticides by combining organic pest control methods.
  6. They break down more quickly and are less likely to leave behind residues than synthetic pesticides, which can leave harmful residues on crops. This is especially important for crops that are consumed raw or with minimal processing.


  1. Natural Resources Defense Council. (n.d.). Organic farming 101. Retrieved from 
  2. United States Department of Agriculture. (2020, July). Organic 101: What the USDA Organic Label Means. Retrieved from 
  3. Cornell University. (n.d.). What is organic farming? Retrieved from 
  4. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. (n.d.). Organic insect and disease control. Retrieved from 
  5. Greenpeace. (n.d.). Organic agriculture. Retrieved from
  6. Rodale Institute. (n.d.). Organic agriculture. Retrieved from
  7. The Organic Center. (n.d.). Organic farming practices. Retrieved from
  8. University of California, Davis. (2013). Organic pesticide recipes. Retrieved from
  9. For more in Sustainable Farming