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Conference Resolutions: 7th Africa Animal Welfare Conference 2023

Empowering African Farmers for Sustainable Farming Culture

7th Africa Animal Welfare Conference Resolutions 2023

7th Africa Animal Welfare Conference Resolutions 2023

Towards the Development of Conference Resolutions
The conference resulted in recommendations that were written to capture the key discussions that took place over the three days. These key recommendations, if adopted by key stakeholders, will form resolutions for the AAWC’s 7th edition. They are as follows:

  1. THAT the AAWC lobbies for mainstreaming animal welfare in the continent’s development agenda while incorporating ethical and spiritual aspects to promote the transformation of the food systems in Africa and to avoid intensive agricultural systems.
  2. THAT the AAWC, through the AUC, champions the adoption and implementation of better livestock production systems that cater for animal welfare.
  3. THAT the AAWC champions and lobbies for the development and implementation of a disaster management plan to cater for animals affected by catastrophic events in Africa.
  4. THAT the AAWC promotes inter-religious dialogue and an increase in the role of religion in animal welfare educational awareness programs.
  5. THAT the AAWC, in partnership with UNEP, continues to promote CSO engagement in Africa for enhanced human, animal and environmental wellbeing.
  6. THAT AAWC champions the development of policies that promote the use of alternatives to animals in education, research, and testing.
  7. THAT AAWC champions discussions on the transformation of Africa’s food system that encourage humane farming, high animal welfare standards, the adoption of indigenous local foods, and the promotion of alternative proteins.
  8. THAT AAWC champions the development of policies and legal frameworks to address dog population control, human-wildlife conflict, and fish welfare.
  9. THAT the AAWC, through the AUC, promotes collaboration with governments, organizations, and stakeholders to ensure the integration of animal welfare into policies, consciousness, and practices.

Link to the AAWC website

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